Welcome to Freya's Bakery, where your dog's health is our top priority.

My name is Rachel-Lee, the owner of Freya's Bakery.

In 2023, My dog needed a new home, and I was fortunate enough to become her owner. As someone who values health and fitness, I am cautious about the ingredients in my food. This concern naturally extended to Freya's diet, prompting me to research the ingredients in commercial dog treats.

To my surprise, I discovered that many store-bought treats contain unhealthy ingredients that negatively impact our dog's well-being. This realisation inspired me to ensure that Freya lives a healthier and longer life.

The only solution was clear: create recipes using only natural ingredients and bake the treats myself. I soon realised that baking healthier dog treats was no longer just a hobby. I wanted to be one of the individuals making a significant difference in canine health and providing consumers with more options for healthier and affordable dog treats.
